Pedagogies for Student-Centered Learning: Online and On-Ground by Cari Crumly (Author); Sarah d’Angelo (Contributor); Pamela Dietz (Contributor) This book is part of the Seminarium Elements series. Format: Paperback Pages: 120 ISBN: 9781451489453 Trim Size: 6×9 Release Date: Saturday, November 15, 2014 Price: $24.00 Click here to read related blog posts by Cari Crumly. About the Book: What comes to mind when you hear student-centered learning? Do you immediately see a classroom without a teacher? Do you see students teaching other students? How do you know which pedagogies to use when designing the best learning environment? The question of determining what pedagogies to use within the classroom (on-ground or virtual) can often plague teachers given today’s student. This book will help you to identify the difference between teacher-centered and student-centered learning and the various pedagogies commonly associated with each. This book will draw upon the research and experience of three different educators and their pedagogical variations and uses within the classroom and online. Crumly’s synopsis of student-centered learning and suggested action is followed by a collaborative dialogue with Pamela Dietz and Sarah d’Angelo. Dietz and d’Angelo provide practical commentary regarding the successful implementation of Crumly’s proposed approaches. As a group, Crumly, Dietz, and d’Angelo create a text that extends pedagogical innovation in inspiring but practical ways. Reviews: “I have been reviewing books on teaching for ten years or more – this is easily one of the most helpful books I have ever reviewed, and one to which I will return often.” ~ Laura K. Simmons, George Fox Seminary via the Wabash Center’s “Reflective Teaching” book reviews. Accessed 5/18/2015. Order today at and Go here for news about the Logos ePub versions. Related Blog Posts by Cari Crumly:[wp_cpl_sc cat_id=769 list_num=10 css_theme=0 sort_using=1 sort_order=desc show_author=true show_comments=false]