Pecha Kucha in the Classroom Posted on March 3, 2020 by Chris ParisClassroom presentations often seem like a good idea. After all, why not give students a chance to share their thoughts, engage their classmates in quality conversations, and earn valuable experience? Then it happens. The class falls victim to a well researched, but over-the-top presentation where as much text as possible is squished onto the screen….
The Last Thesis Proposal Guide Your Students Will Ever Need Posted on March 3, 2020 by Richard Newton Pssss…over here. Are you thinking about or currently advising a student thesis project? If so, did you give your student a list of what should be included in their thesis proposal? No student in the history of the world has refused such a list. And even though the list makes advising a whole lot more productive, I bet you can name some profs who have been holding out. At the request of frustrated students everywhere, I’ve created a little guide for you to revise and share as you deem fit.
Not Returning Void: Effectively Teaching Homiletics Online Posted on November 15, 2017 by Rob O'LynnTeaching preaching online is, essentially, no different than teaching it in-seat! The only difference is the location of students.
Teaching Bible with Tech at #AARSBL15 Posted on November 20, 2015 by Richard NewtonWhether you’re a veteran scholar or are attending the Society of Biblical Literature for the first time, you may be asking how to narrow your session options….The Academic Teaching and Biblical Studies and Global Education and Research Technology groups are joining up to bring you a program that you won’t want to miss.
Digital Media for Ministry: Mapping the Landscape Posted on November 13, 2015 by Kyle Matthew OliverWe think not teaching digital media skills today is like not teaching homiletics or pastoral care….To that end, we are engaged in an asset mapping project to identify and spread the word about digital media for ministry formation opportunities across the theological education landscape.