The Elements of Great Teaching
There are brilliant scholars and there are enthralling teachers. We want to help you merge these qualities. SemClass posts support the student/teacher relationship in ways that bring energy and expertise to both sides of the podium. »
From LMS to MOOC, the technology of teaching is changing faster than we can keep up. Once confident about our content, we are now being asked to present it in radical new ways. Do you need some support in this? Our SemTech bloggers can help. »
Loci is Latin for “localities” or “centers of focus.” It is shorthand for disciplines like comparative religions, theology, hermeneutics and history. We don’t all have the same AOC, and so SemLoci posts will touch on what is unique teaching your discipline. »
The world of higher academics is in flux. Private, public, and seminary institutions are remaking themselves. Studies about how and why students learn are transforming classrooms. Our SemTrends bloggers will help you stay on top of it. »
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