YOU CAN’T FISH WITHOUT BAIT: Teaching for Sticky Learning — Part 2 Posted on March 27, 2015 by Holly InglisIn the previous blog, we noted two types of bait you might use to hook your students and encourage their memory: Stimulate more of the senses in your classroom and work to help your students connect new information with their prior knowledge. In this blog, we’ll look at the remaining tips for sticky learning and then conclude by noting an example of a successful expedition in sticky teaching….
Sleep in Academia: The Brain We’ve Got Posted on April 21, 2014 by A+ Brooke Lester, Curator(See also Part One: Waking Up to the Problem.) It’s sometimes said in “recovery” circles that “You can’t fix the brain you’ve got with the brain you’ve got.” But let’s see if we can’t try to think clearly—our crippling sleep deficit notwithstanding—about the brain. Anybody who can manage a Google or YouTube search can discover…
Metacognition: Teach Me How to Learn! Posted on March 31, 2014 by Jane S. WebsterWhen we shift our task as educators from those who deliver content to those who help students learn how to learn, we see that they still learn the content that we cherish, but they have also developed skills that will take them far into the future with success. And as we become more conscious of students’ learning, we will become more attuned to their needs, enabling us to intervene in just the right place at just the right time…
The Changing Understanding of How We Learn–Part 3 : What’s next for Theological Education? Posted on November 4, 2013 by Holly InglisYou are a seasoned professor who has taught countless numbers of first year students your particular discipline, but this year you resolve to try a different approach to teaching, one that includes brain-based strategies for helping students learn. In previous posts, we’ve examined the shift from teaching to helping students learn and the nature of effective learning. How do you structure a seminary class/learning experience that makes this shift while continuing to communicate important content?