Repository of Truth: Full and Unrestricted Access? Posted on August 1, 2014 by Gregory CuéllarAdmissions policies for entering into a repository of truth—whether it be museums, archives, or libraries—are more complex than simple technical rules involving security and preservation. Although the stewardship of material culture is a genuine concern, all rules of admission contain social and political dimensions….
Tactical Teaching: Part 3—Different Outcomes/Different Tactics Posted on June 5, 2014 by David RhoadsI found that teaching a skill, methods, reflection/action cycles, values, etc. all involve a very different strategy from imparting information. My book outlines additional tactics, like the skill of translating Greek for instance, but by way of examples, let’s consider…
Contextualization as an Ethical Practice: Part 2—Unpacking “Machine-Made” Biblical Knowledge Posted on June 2, 2014 by Gregory CuéllarThe cultural iconic status of the Bible in Western society can easily be harnessed for oppressive purposes. This demands an ethical obligation to biblical interpretation that scientific historical methods alone are unable to fulfill…. Through contextualization, we are drawn to uncover the social beliefs underwriting the default system present within the field of biblical studies….
Tactical Teaching: Part 2—Four Principles of Interaction Posted on May 21, 2014 by David RhoadsCollege and graduate school teachers have an advanced degree in a specialized field, but they may not have had a course on teaching and only limited opportunities to be teaching assistants. Historically, the assumption of most graduate programs has been that they will teach you the subject matter but it will up to you to learn how to teach it on your own….
Contextualization as an Ethical Practice: Part 1—The Socialized Body of the Biblical Scholar Posted on February 28, 2014 by Gregory CuéllarFor seminary students, lingering too long in the ancient historical distance can lead them to trivialize the text’s contemporary social relevance. Hence, how do we encourage and sustain discussions about pressing social issues alongside lessons on scientific biblical interpretive methods?…