Resisting Disembodiment – Distributed Learning is Not Distance Education Posted on December 27, 2013 by Ryan TormaWhen I first started working in online seminary education, my boss explained to me, ‘We don’t do distance education, we do distributed learning.’ Working with her and many other wise leaders, I came to understand what they meant. Distance education implies a learned center from which education radiates out. Online learning technologies allow education to be delivered to people who are distant from that center, but they are distant nonetheless. Distributed learning is something different….
Sound Bites from the Past Posted on December 13, 2013 by Jim PapandreaWhen I was a student, the way many professors taught Church History was through readers—a published book of excerpts from the primary sources. These books were assigned, and students were to read the relevant excerpts as preparation for lectures on the various time periods, controversies, and patristic writers. When I became the professor, I simply followed the lead of my own teachers, without really considering whether there was another way to do it. . . .