Tactical Teaching: Part 1—What are We Teaching When and How are We Teaching It? Posted on May 5, 2014 by David RhoadsCollege and graduate school teachers have an advanced degree in a specialized field, but they may not have had a course on teaching and only limited opportunities to be teaching assistants. Historically, the assumption of most graduate programs has been that they will teach you the subject matter but it will up to you to learn how to teach it on your own….
Reimagining Nimble Ways of Preparing Persons for Church Leadership—1 of 2 Posted on July 24, 2013 by Robin SteinkeIf the world needs the church to be better at being the church and the church needs theological education institutions to be better at educating a wider range of people for leadership in the church, then how might we imagine such work? Recap Many schools are working to rethink both the time to degree and the delivery methods needed to prepare persons for ministry. Changes in ATS accreditation standards now define a minimum of 72 hours for a Master of Divinity Degree and allow up to 25% of the degree to be handled through advanced standing.
Smartphones, Tablets, and Cloud(s) Posted on July 23, 2013 by Cari CrumlyIt used to be that teaching was about lecturing through peer reviewed texts and journals and students utilized the local or university library to complete research; nowadays we are consumed with technology. Technology permeates our lives, from the time we awaken in the morning to the time we rest our heads at night. I challenge educators to find one student in their classroom that doesn’t have a smartphone, a tablet, a computer, or some form of technology that they use on a daily basis. Teaching…education has succumbed to the age of information overload and technological advancements that can make teaching more challenging and difficult; or does it?