Etextbooks.02: Don’t Leave Students to their Own Devices Posted on March 15, 2014 by Nathan LoewenAccording to some, the difference between conventional textbooks versus e-books is like comparing apples and oranges. I’m not entirely convinced. Fortress Education recently revised its Introduction to World Religions textbook for the Inkling e-book platform. I was a part of the 22-person team whose task was to enhance the conventional textbook’s content and add educational enhancements offered by Inkling. Our team’s objective was shared with Inkling: to improve students’ learning outcomes through built-in learner-based evaluations, social features such as shared notes, multimedia additions and links to web-based content beyond the e-book itself….
Etextbooks.01: Potato, Potahto, Tomato, Tomahto? Posted on March 9, 2014 by Nathan LoewenAccording to some, the difference between conventional textbooks versus e-books is like comparing apples and oranges. I’m not entirely convinced. Fortress Education recently revised its Introduction to World Religions textbook for the Inkling e-book platform. I was a part of the 22-person team whose task was to enhance the conventional textbook’s content and add educational enhancements offered by Inkling. Our team’s objective was shared with Inkling: to improve students’ learning outcomes through built-in learner-based evaluations, social features such as shared notes, multimedia additions and links to web-based content beyond the e-book itself….