Not Returning Void: Effectively Teaching Homiletics Online Posted on November 15, 2017 by Rob O'LynnTeaching preaching online is, essentially, no different than teaching it in-seat! The only difference is the location of students.
The Problem/Mystery of Preaching: Part 3—Postmodernism, Secularism, and Pluralism Posted on February 20, 2014 by David LoseThere are three dominant ways of describing the changes that have shaped and continue to influence our culture and world over the last half century: postmodernism, secularism, and pluralism. My guess is that we all have at least a passing familiarity with these terms and wouldn’t dispute that they are central elements of our current culture and world. But getting a handle on the challenges they present is another matter altogether. It’s one thing to say we live in a postmodern world, but it’s another to allow that knowledge to shape our preaching so as to respond to that world.
The Problem/Mystery of Preaching: Part 2—Embracing Mystery Posted on February 10, 2014 by David LoseThe basic practice and patterns of preaching we’ve employed in recent decades—and, truth be told, for centuries—are essentially sound. They don’t need to be redefined, only revised? A problem, according to this point of view, is a challenge or need that has a recognized context, involves set limits and variables, and presents itself for solution….
The Problem/Mystery of Preaching: Part 1—At a Crossroads Posted on February 3, 2014 by David LoseI’ve been preaching now for nearly twenty-five years and teaching preaching for a little more than half that time, and the refrain I’ve heard from preachers from across Christian traditions and from every generation is the same: preaching is broken. This is usually followed by an earnest plea: Fix it! …