Teaching as Vocation—Part I: The “Flow” of Teaching Posted on July 24, 2013 by David RhoadsThe following excerpts of David’s upcoming book, Teaching to Learn, Learning to Teach: Reflections on Education as Transformation through Dialogue (Fall 2013 ), are used by permission of Wipf and Stock Publishers. In the course of finalizing a series of autobiographical reflections for my upcoming book, I had a dream that was illuminating for me. “I am Going to Enjoy This.” I have been retired for several years now. And I have not done any teaching during that time. In my dream, I had been invited to go somewhere to give an informal talk or lecture in a lounge at some unidentified seminary institution. I was pleased to be doing it. However, I was worried that too few people would show up, concerned that it might not be worthwhile for the school to have invited me. But I was reassured as I walked down the hall when I saw about 30 or so people moving into the lounge area, some I recognized from seminary. And I thought this to myself: “I am going to enjoy this. When I taught before is when I experienced ecstasy.” Then I woke up.