Forks in the Road/Nodes in the Web toward Digital Learning Posted on October 6, 2014 by A+ Brooke Lester, CuratorI usually don’t see the fork in the road at the time I take it. It’s only looking back that I can say, “Huh. Made a choice there.” Or, occasionally, “Huh. Made a meaningful choice there.” As 2008 slid into 2009, a recent addition to the rank of PhDs and already-long-time member of the adjunct-faculty class, I read a blog post–I suppose for me in that year it must have been a blog post, rather than a Tweet or a Facebook status update–by Dr. A.K.M. “Akma” Adam, recommending his readers’ attention to a *then* recent digital learning video by Michael Wesch. It was “A Portal to Media Literacy” (2008), following upon Wesch’s “The Machine is Us/ing Us” (2007). Both presentations concern learning and the digitization of text…
Scarcities 2: Online Learning Platforms Posted on November 4, 2013 by A+ Brooke Lester, CuratorMy first forays into online learning were projects undertaken to address the “scarcities” of the face-to-face classroom. These were “embellishments” on the classroom that I discussed at the time in terms of collaboration, diffusion, and asynchrony. The “flipped classroom” stands too as a widespread attempt to address the scarcities of the brick-and-mortar learning space. This is why I find myself approaching “online learning” with an attitude different to some of my colleagues. Where some view the online platforms as threatening to “take away” goods associated with the face-to-face classroom, I had first turned to the online platforms seeking relief from the traditional classroom’s scarcities. In a previous post, I wrote about the face-to-face classroom and its scarcities (particularly time, space, permeability, and malleability). This week, I describe two kinds of online learning space and their own scarcities.
Scarcities 1: Desanctifying the Classroom (1 of 2) Posted on October 21, 2013 by A+ Brooke Lester, CuratorThere was a time–remember?–when the face-to-face classroom wasn’t a sacrosanct wing, protected by Do-Not-Touch velvet ropes, in the Higher Ed Nostalgia Museum. A time–though to admit it now may seem tantamount to waving the white flag of pedagogical surrender to the advancing corporate-MOOC Visigoth hoards–when we educators used complain about the classroom. Cari Lyn writes recently on Seminarium Blog about open-source “learning management systems” (LMSes) as one affordable approach to learning platforms, in which students can have opportunities for “[g]roup activities, research opportunities, and freedom of expression.” This has me reflecting on platforms: the face-to-face classroom, the closed LMSes, and the open/distributed platforms. Conversations about learning platforms tend to emphasize the “goods” of the face-to-face platform and the challenges of the online platforms. But before we had online learning platforms to be suspicious about, we used to complain about the limits of the classroom all the time. So, in this post, I focus on the limits of the face-to-face classroom in terms of “scarcities.” In a second post, I will consider the respective “scarcities” of the closed and open online platforms. This will, I argue, provide a less skewed, more productive basis for comparing platforms or for considering “blended” solutions. So, let’s get started: What’s missing–necessarily, intrinsically missing–from the brick-and-mortar classroom…?
Put it Out There: Publicly-Performed Course Work Posted on September 30, 2013 by A+ Brooke Lester, CuratorEngaging strangers on Twitter. Teaching an adult-education session in a church. Blogging an interview with a high-profile scholar. When learners accomplish their course work by means of public performance, the common student refrain, “What will I do with this stuff?” becomes “Let’s examine what I’ve done with this stuff!” Publicly-Performed Course Work: Jennifer Shepherd writes this week about “being heard,” particularly outside the classroom…
Classrooms have Four Walls and Two Portals. Use Them! Posted on August 28, 2013 by Nathan LoewenI remember first being invited into my college’s boardroom for a meeting. I experienced several sentiments. “Wow! This is like being asked to the principal’s office, but in a good way!” And, “Yes! This is like being asked to sit at the cool kids’ table in the high school cafeteria!” I walked in and settled myself into one of the comfy, high-backed leather chairs. I looked around, and was stunned to see something I had always dreamed of having in my classroom: a gigantic LCD screen with a wide-angle video camera. I thought to myself, “Alright! This is like Skype on steroids! How do I get my students in here?”…