YOU CAN’T FISH WITHOUT BAIT: Teaching for Sticky Learning — Part 2 Posted on March 27, 2015 by Holly InglisIn the previous blog, we noted two types of bait you might use to hook your students and encourage their memory: Stimulate more of the senses in your classroom and work to help your students connect new information with their prior knowledge. In this blog, we’ll look at the remaining tips for sticky learning and then conclude by noting an example of a successful expedition in sticky teaching….
STICK, STICK, STICK: Teaching for Sticky Learning — Part 1 Posted on March 7, 2015 by Holly InglisTeaching for sticky learning is primarily a balancing act; balancing the quantity of content with the quality of the learning experience. As we examine each of five “Tips for Sticky Learning” over these two blog posts, try to remember I’m not suggesting you throw out everything you’ve known and practiced in your educational career. Instead, try to imagine tipping the scales just a little bit toward a different kind of learning experience for you as well as your students….