The Changing Understanding of How We Learn–Part 2 : What is Effective Learning? Posted on October 27, 2013 by Holly InglisSome of my most significant learning in seminary happened in the cafeteria. The cafeteria was where we all gathered after chapel, drawn in by the aroma of freshly baked cookies and newly brewed coffee, timed to coincide with the “Amen.” That was where we asked the questions of one another that we could not or would not ask in class. That was where we wrestled with ideas and boldly challenged the notions of professors with whom we would not dare publically disagree in class. I would often leave with more questions than answers, but usually the sense of community and mutuality left me with a positive feeling. Enhanced by the delicious cookies, the cafeteria experience became a positive memory of learning for me. We’ll explore why in a little bit.
The Changing Understanding of How We Learn–Part 1: We’re Not in MI Anymore! Posted on October 19, 2013 by Holly InglisHere’s the newsflash–Multiple Intelligence IS OUT! Even Howard Gardner, the author of Five Minds and creator of MI theory, stated that he was over the theory a decade ago and that educators should move on. But if Multiple Intelligence theory is out, then what’s in?
Why The Simpsons and Mashed Potatoes Matter Posted on July 24, 2013 by Lea SchweitzTrue confession. In a systematic theology class, I may have encouraged a student to use mashed potatoes as a metaphor for the Trinity. In my own defense, it allowed us to talk about the integrity of three separate flavors (salt, butter, potato) that together made up the unified thing we know as mashed potatoes. A concrete, if untraditional, example of three-in-one. Even better, it allowed us to explore other themes like modalism and the economic/imminent Trinity with a working metaphor to anchor an abstract discussion.