Why The Simpsons and Mashed Potatoes Matter Posted on July 24, 2013 by Lea SchweitzTrue confession. In a systematic theology class, I may have encouraged a student to use mashed potatoes as a metaphor for the Trinity. In my own defense, it allowed us to talk about the integrity of three separate flavors (salt, butter, potato) that together made up the unified thing we know as mashed potatoes. A concrete, if untraditional, example of three-in-one. Even better, it allowed us to explore other themes like modalism and the economic/imminent Trinity with a working metaphor to anchor an abstract discussion.
Reimagining Nimble Ways of Preparing Persons for Church Leadership—1 of 2 Posted on July 24, 2013 by Robin SteinkeIf the world needs the church to be better at being the church and the church needs theological education institutions to be better at educating a wider range of people for leadership in the church, then how might we imagine such work? Recap Many schools are working to rethink both the time to degree and the delivery methods needed to prepare persons for ministry. Changes in ATS accreditation standards now define a minimum of 72 hours for a Master of Divinity Degree and allow up to 25% of the degree to be handled through advanced standing.
Reimagining Nimble Ways of Preparing Persons for Church Leadership—2 of 2 Posted on July 23, 2013 by Robin SteinkeLet’s clarify the challeges for preparing persons for Church leadership: The world needs the church to be better at being the church. Global crises are erupting around issues of poverty, environmental degradation, economic injustice, alienation of persons, refugees and immigration challenges, human trafficking and violence, to name just a few urgent issues. The list is long and complex. The world needs the church to be better at being the church in ways that bear witness to God’s promise for the flourishing of the world.